Features and Benefits:
- Tough, economical press is ideal for pressing rear axle bearings, piston pins, and much more 46″ working area under the ram makes positioning even bulky work easy
- Large 30″ x 46″ work area under ram makes positioning of even bulky work easy
- Press bed is easily raised and lowered by a dependable lifting mechanism
Spring return ram has a full 6-1/4″ stroke, perfect for rear axle bearing work, piston pins, and many other frequently performed automotive pressing jobs. Press has a rugged strap steel frame resists buckling and bending, even under maximum loading. This 25-ton press is complete with 4002 hydraulic hand pump, 9652 gauge, 24815 tee, 9767 hose (1/4″ I.D. x 6?), ram with 6-1/4″ stroke, and 42733-WH2 pump mounting bracket. Floor space: 41-1/2″ x 28″.
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